Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Best time of year

Baseball playoffs, CFL games mean more, NFL heading into fourth week and NHL about to start for real.  Some observations
  1. Baseball - I love that the Red Sox are out.  "Best team of all time"  Perhaps they believed the hype.  I am sorry to see Francona go - he'll be picked up quickly.  Do you think he and Ozzie Guillen will just change teams? 
  2. Baseball - predictions - I have no reason to really believe they can win but I sure hope the Diamond Backs get to the World Series - I'll be in Phoenix later this month and it will be a blast if they are playing.
  3. CFL - wide open in both the East and West.  Only thing we know is the Riders and Argos will not make playoffs.  Argooooos .......Suck!
  4. How about those Bills?  Great year to give up my season ticket.
  5. Will Indy win a game?  Will the Vikings bench Donovan and then win a game?  How about those Dolphins?
  6. Leafs - they will get more points this year than the Habs (and I am not talking about games between the two 'cause that is a given)